渡邉 信元
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研究代表者 渡邉 信元国立研究開発法人理化学研究所 環境資源科学研究センター |
β-TrCP(β-Transducin repeat Containing Protein) は、SCF型E3ユビキチン化酵素の基質認識サブユニットF-BOXタンパク質のひとつであり、基質のリン酸化を認識して結合します。本研究計画では、β-TrCPの基質へのリン酸化依存結合に拮抗する小分子リガンドを見出し、細胞内の分解させたい標的タンパク質の特異的リガンドとの結合キメラ化合物を合成し、標的タンパク質をプロテアソーム依存分解させるシステムを構築する研究を提案します。
私たちは、これまでに独自にリン酸化依存タンパク質間相互作用阻害小分子探索系を構築し、科研費などの助成による研究で、Plk1のPolo Boxドメイン依存結合阻害小分子、CDK阻害タンパク質p27のSCF型E3ユビキチン化酵素SCFSKP2によるユビキチン化を阻害する小分子、リン酸化依存にプロリンを異性化するPin1の阻害小分子などを取得して成果を上げ、国際紙に発表すると共にホームページなどに公表してきました。
本提案ではモデル系として、分解させたいタンパク質として、白血病の原因遺伝子産物Bcr-Abl、その特異的リガンドとしてGleevec (imatinib) を選び、β-TrCPリガンドとGleevecの合成キメラ化合物によってBcr-Ablがユビキチン化、分解されることを実証し、ユビキチン化を利用した新たなケモテクノロジーとしてのβ-TrCPリガンドをもちいた細胞内タンパク質分解誘導系の有効性を証明します。また、分解させたいタンパク質としてc-Mycがん遺伝子産物にも着目し、その特異的リガンド探索を行い、分解系への応用をめざします。

- Wang L, Liu S, Xu J, Watanabe N, Mayo KH, *Li J, *Li X.
Emodin inhibits aggregation of amyloid-β peptide 1-42 and improves cognitive deficits in Alzheimer's disease transgenic mice.
J. Neurochem. 157, 1992-2007 (2021)
PMID: 32799401 - Wilke J, Kawamura T, Xu H, Brause A, Friese A, Metz M, Schepmann D, Wünsch B, Artacho-Cordón A, Nieto FR, Watanabe N, Osada H, Ziegler S, *Waldmann H .
Discovery of a σ1 receptor antagonist by combination of unbiased cell painting and thermal proteome profiling.
Cell Chem. Biol. 28, 848-854.e5 (2021)
PMID: 33567254 - Tan FHP, Ting ACJ, Leow BG, Najimudin N,Watanabe N, *Azzam G.
Alleviatory effects of Danshen, Salvianolic acid A and Salvianolic acid B on PC12 neuronal cells and Drosophila melanogaster model of Alzheimer’s disease.
J. Ethnopharmacology 279, 114389 (2021)
PMID: 34217797 - Tan FHP, Hadri NAB, Najimudin N, Watanabe N, *Azzam G.
Ethyl caffeate ameliorated Aβ42-associated toxicity in PC12 cells and Drosophila melanogaster.
Geriatr Gerontol Int. 21, 1125-1130 (2021)
PMID: 34699118 - Moon JY, Adams E, Miyazaki T, Kondoh Y, Muroi M, Watanabe N, Osada H, Shin R.
Cesium tolerance is enhanced by a chemical which binds to BETA- GLUCOSIDASE 23 in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Sci. Rep. 11, 21109 (2021)
PMID: 34702872 - Kwong MMY, Lee JW, Samian MR, Wahab H, Watanabe N, Ong EBB.
Identification of Tropical Plant Extracts That Extend Yeast Chronological Life Span.
Cells 10, 2718 (2021)
PMID: 34685698 - Lee JW, Ong TG, Samian MR, Teh AH, Watanabe N, Osada H, Ong EBB.
Screening of selected ageing-related proteins that extend chronological life span in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisoae.
Sci. Rep. 11, 24148 (2021)
PMID: 34921163 - Zou X, Liu Y, Di J, Wei W, Watanabe N, Li J, Li X.
ZMIZ2 promotes the development of triple-receptor negative breast cancer.
Cancer Cell Int. 22, 52 (2022)
PMID: 35101047 - Yoshioka H, Kawamura T, Muroi M, KondohY, Honda K, Kawatani M, Aono H, Waldmann H, Watanabe N, Osada H.
Identification of a small molecule that enhances ferroptosis via inhibition of FSP1.
ACS Chem. Biol. 17, 483-491 (2022)
PMID: 35128925
プレスリリース - Wei W, Pathak J L, LIU X, Mao T, Watanabe N, Li X, Zhang M, Li J.
Apigenin, a single active component of herbal extract, alleviates xerostomia via ERα-mediated upregulation of AQP5 activation.
Front. Pharmacol. 13, 818116 (2022)
PMID: 35264956 - Cho N, Kikuzato K, Futamura Y, Shimizu T, Hayase H, Kamisaka K, Takaya D, Yuki H, Honma T, Niikura M, Kobayashi F, *Watanabe N, Osada H, *Koyama H.
New antimalarials identified by a cell-based phenotypic approach: Structure-activity relationships of 2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-1H-β-carboline derivatives possessing a 2-((coumarin-5-yl)oxy)alkanoyl moiety.
Bioorg. Med. Chem. 66, 116830 (2022)
PMID: 35594648 - Bürger M, Honda K, Kondoh Y, Hong S, Watanabe N, Osada H, Chory J.
Crystal structure of Arabidopsis DWARF14-LIKE2 (DLK2) reveals a distinct substrate binding pocket architecture.
Plant Direct.6, e446 (2022)
PMID: 36172078 - Davie T, Serrat X, Snider J, Štagljar I, Hirano H, Watanabe N, Osada H, Fraser AG.
Identification of a novel family of benzimidazole species-selective Complex I inhibitors as potential anthelmintics.
bioRxiv (2022) (not peer-reviewed) - Lai WY, Wong Z, Chang CH, Samian MR, Watanabe N, Teh AH, Noordin R, Ong EBB.
Identifying Leptospira interrogans putative virulence factors with a yeast protein expression screen.
Appl. Microbiol. Biotech. 106, 6567-6581 (2022)
PMID: 36112204 - Chen B, Mao T, Qin X, Zhang W, Watanabe N, Li J.
Role of estrogen receptor signaling pathway-related genes in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and identification of key targets via integrated bioinformatics analysis and experimental validation.
Front. Oncol. 12, 1029998 (2022)
PMID: 36531013 - Aoyama M, Ishikawa K, Nemoto S, Hirano H, Watanabe N, Osada H, Watanabe S, Semba K.
Lonidamine and domperidone inhibit expansion of transformed cell areas by modulating motility of surrounding nontransformed cells.
J. Biol. Chem. 298, 102635 (2022)
PMID: 36273581 - Chen B, Zhou J, Mao T, Cao T, Hu S, Zhang W, Li X, Qin X, Liu X, Watanabe N, Li J.
The Critical Biomarkers Identifcation of Insulin Signaling Involved in Initiating cAMP Signaling Mediated Salivary Secretion in Sjogren Syndrome: Transcriptome Sequencing in NOD Mice Model.
Biol. Proc. Online 24, 26 (2022)
PMID: 36575389
- Suvarna K, Honda K, Kondoh Y, Osada H, *Watanabe N.
Identification of a small molecule ligand of β-arrestin1 as an inhibitor of stromal fibroblast cell migration accelerated by cancer cells.
Cancer Med. 7, 883-893 (2018)
PMID: 29380537 - Suvarna K, Honda K, Muroi M, Kondoh Y, Osada H, *Watanabe N.
A small-molecule ligand of valosin-containing protein/p97 inhibits cancer cell-accelerated fibroblast migration.
J. Biol. Chem. 294, 2988-2996 (2019)
PMID: 30610116 - Subedi A, Muroi M, Futamura Y, Kawamura T, Aono H, Nishi M, Ryo A, *Watanabe N, *Osada H.
A novel inhibitor of tumorspheres revealed activation of serine biosynthetic pathway upon mitochondrial inhibition.
FEBS Letters 593, 763-776 (2019)
PMID: 30874300 - Suvarna K, Honda K, Muroi M, Kondoh Y, Osada H, *Watanabe N.
Measurement of ATPase activity of valosin-containing protein/p97.
Bio-protocol 10, e3516 (2020) - *Watanabe N, Osada H.
Small molecule inhibitors of E3 ubiquitin ligases.
Drug Discovery Series No. 78
Protein-Protein Interaction Regulators (Roy, S. and Fu, H. eds.) Royal Society of Chemistry pp.109-123 (2020)